- 인제대학교 일반대학원 보건행정학 박사
- 한양대학교 행정대학원 병원행정학 석사
- 의료경영, 보건행정, 병원행정, 의료의 질, 고객만족, 호스피스·완화의료, 고령화.
- 前)인천가톨릭의료원 기획예산실장
- 前)전국대학보건학교육협회 사무총장
- 前)전국대학보건학교육협회 감사
- 대한보건협회 논문심사위원
- 강원도 강릉의료원 인사위원
- 마뗄암재단 자문위원
- Structural Relationship between Factors Influencing Baby Boomers' Intention to Move into Silver Town: Mediating Effect of Desire to Move in, Korean public health research, 2023.
- A Study on the Factors Influencing the Baby Boom Generation's Intentions of moving into a Silver Town by Applying Extended Model of Goal-Directed Behavior
: Focused on Seoul Metropolitan Area, Korean public health research, 2022.
-The Effects of Job Stress and Job Satisfaction on Service Quality of Employees in Long-term Care Hospital, Korean public health research, 2020.
- An Empirical Study of Comprehensive Health Screening Medical Service Quality with Kano Model and PCSI Index, The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(JIDB), 2019.
- A Study on the Quality Improvement of Mobile App Services of Medical Institutions: Focus on the Kano Model and PCSI Index, The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(JIDB), 2019.
- A Study on the Influence of Nurse’s Authentic Leadership on Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Turnover Intention: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of LMX and Job Demands-Resources, Journal of Learner-centered Curriculum and Instruction, 2019.
- Structural Relationship Between Quality of Medical Service, Patients’Emotional Attachment, Customer Satisfaction, and the Customer Behavioral Intention of Small and Medium Hospitals - Mediating Effect of Emotional Attachment and Customer Satisfaction, KSHSM Journal, 2019.
- A Study on the Structural Relationship between Quality of Medical Service, Perceived Risk, Reputation and Customer Satisfaction in Small and Medium Hospitals, The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business(JIDB), 2019.
- A Study on the Service Quality Improvementby Kano Model and Potential Customer Satisfaction Improvement Index;Focused on Dental Dept. of General Hospital and Professional Dental Clinic, 의료경영학연구, 2019.
- 공저, 보건의료법규, 수인메디컬, 2023.
- 공저, 보건의료정보관리학, 메디시언, 2023.
- 공저, 보건의료관계법규, 도서출판 의학교육, 2021~2022.
- 공저, 국민건강보험론, 수문사, 2021.