Department of Forest Therapy
The Department of Forest Therapy in Catholic Kwandong University is the only department linked to forest healing in Korea. It aims to cultivate advanced personnel with practical knowledge for healing, recreation, management and protection of forest resources. This allows creation of a pleasant ecological landscape and living environment by efficiently utilizing forest resources to meet the demands of a modern specialized and industrialized society.
In addition, there are plans for the department to be designated a training institution. Students can then acquire relevant licenses such as a second-degree forest healing instructor, a wood doctor, and a tree therapist from the university. We make efforts to design a well-fitted curriculum for students to acquire other qualifications such as a youth guidance license through completing related courses.
Educational Objective
1To cultivate Catholic values and maximize professionalism
2To develop professional human resources with knowledge and substance for effective management and desirable use of forest resources
3To foster forest science experts who acquire and understand the knowledge on forest basic science and applied science such as forest healing and tree physiology and put that into practice.
4To operate the customized courses related to forest ecology and forest protection
5To train workforce who are at the turning point of his/her career, find employment or establish a start-up